Welcome to K-Means Clustering’s documentation!

This is a package for easily performing k-means clustering on a set of data. Unique to this implementation is its ability to specify the dimension up to which the data is clustered. For example:

>>> from kmeans import cluster
>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.random.seed(27)   # For reproducible results
>>> data = np.random.random((15, 5)).round(3)
>>> data[0]
array([0.426, 0.815, 0.735, 0.868, 0.383])
>>> # Cluster using only first two dimensions
>>> clusters, centroids = cluster(data, k=3, ndim=2, tolerance=0.001)
>>> centroids
array([[0.9004  , 0.79    ],
       [0.361375, 0.580125],
       [0.801   , 0.143   ]])
>>> clusters  # visually compare centroids with first two elements of each data entry.
{0: array([[0.979, 0.893, 0.21 , 0.742, 0.663],
      [0.887, 0.858, 0.749, 0.87 , 0.187],
      [0.966, 0.583, 0.092, 0.014, 0.837],
      [0.915, 0.705, 0.387, 0.706, 0.923],
      [0.755, 0.911, 0.242, 0.976, 0.304]]),
1: array([[0.426, 0.815, 0.735, 0.868, 0.383],
      [0.326, 0.373, 0.794, 0.151, 0.17 ],
      [0.081, 0.305, 0.783, 0.163, 0.071],
      [0.221, 0.726, 0.849, 0.929, 0.736],
      [0.477, 0.493, 0.595, 0.076, 0.117],
      [0.288, 0.684, 0.52 , 0.877, 0.924],
      [0.489, 0.596, 0.264, 0.992, 0.21 ],
      [0.583, 0.649, 0.911, 0.122, 0.676]]),
2: array([[0.701, 0.181, 0.599, 0.415, 0.514],
      [0.901, 0.105, 0.673, 0.87 , 0.561]])}


The package can be installed via PyPI:

$ python -m pip install kmeans-tjdwill


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This work is licensed under the MIT License.

Indices and tables